We want to teach you the process we use to study. We do not recommend you flip through the bible, let it fall open to a page, and study what is on that page. It is too easy to misunderstand what is being said and you don’t know where you are in the “story.” It is like being dropped into the middle of a football match, and you have no idea what has gone on before to understand why the players are doing what they are doing now.
If you are a newborn again believer or new to reading the bible, I suggest starting with the New Testament first (“Testament” is another word for covenant) since we are believers who are under the New Covenant Let’s say you want to start with Matthew.
Some bibles have an introduction to each book, or you can Google on your phone a summary about what the book is about, to whom it was written, and why it was written. If you have a smart phone, we recommend downloading an app called the “Blue Letter Bible”. If you go to Matthew 1 and tap on the screen, it will bring up a menu, and you can choose Text Commentaries and find an overview written by many reputable pastors. The Blue Letter Bible also has a website a website, blueletterbible.org.
After we read the overview, we then read the whole book of Matthew. It helps us to remember that this was written as one book and there were no chapters, verses or titles until hundreds of years later. FC Grace has many tools available to assist you in study. You can reach out through your WhatsApp community or make a request on our website, fcgrace.org.
After we’ve read the whole book, we settle into a more detailed study chapter by chapter. This process will help you tremendously.
prayer and journal – start with prayer, asking God to open up the scriptures for you to understand. It is a prayer He loves, as He wants us to know His scriptures intimately. Have a notebook or something to take notes in as you learn, and God’s reveals specific meaning for you.
Meaning of passage? – Read the complete chapter. Is it connected to the previous chapter, or does it continue into the next chapter? You want to understand what is being said and the best way to do this is to follow the author’s thought until he changes the subject to a new thought. What is the passage talking about?
What is the application of this meaning in my life? – how is this passage speaking to me? Am I being convicted, encouraged? What do I sense God is trying to teach me in this passage?
What does it teach me about who is God? – what characteristics does it show me about God? How does He respond to issues on earth?
What does it teach me about who I am as a child of God? – what characteristics does it show me about God’s children – about their heart, their words, their actions?
Am I living like this? – Am I living like the child of God the author is describing? Is there something I need to ask God to build up in me?
Memorize verses – was there a verse or verses that I found encouragement or a helpful reminder that I want to memorize?
Meditate on lesson – Let this time in Scripture fill your mind and think about it during your day, what the Lord was showing you, what you learned about Him, what you learned about yourself as a child of God and whatever else He gave you.