The Ball/Circle Redeemed
When we have committed our lives to Jesus, accepted him as our Lord and Savior we received the Holy Spirit. We have a new spirit. Since the spirit is what is most true about us, this signifies a totally new creation for you and me, and we are complete and right with God as 2 Corinthians 5:17 says. God joins our spirit, which was previously dead to God, with the Holy Spirit. Our eternal home is there and ready for us. We are no longer condemned at judgement concerning our future; we are accepted, we are children of God.
Holy Spirit has the power and ability within us to transform our lives in accordance with Jesus, who he is. We now have another option, to choose to look to the completed work of Jesus and wholly trusting Holy Spirit within or continue in our old habits relying on the flesh and the temporary things of this world. This process of transformation is called sanctification - learning how to daily rely on, trust in, and be obedient to God. We are learning to live more and more above the line.
Sin no longer has dominion over our lives and with it, the judgement that ultimately comes to everyone. The accuser has nothing on you because you are complete and justified in God’s eyes. Sin has been cut off. This does not mean you will never sin again. It means that sin is no longer your master. As we move more and more into God’s will for every part of our lives, sin shrinks. Its influence shrinks.
Romans 6:14 For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.
Romans 6:6 We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin.
Romans 6:11 So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.
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