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Matthew 9:32-34 Devotion

Jeanne Allen

Updated: Sep 14, 2024

Matthew 9:32-34 - As they went out, behold, they brought to Him a man, mute and demon-possessed.

33 And when the demon was cast out, the mute spoke. And the multitudes marveled, saying, “It was never seen like this in Israel!” 34 But the Pharisees said, “He casts out demons by the ruler of the demons.” In Luke 11:15, there is a similar account, and in 11:17-20, Jesus addresses it with this: “But He, knowing their thoughts, said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house falls. 18 “If Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? Because you say I cast out demons by Beelzebub. 19 “And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they will be your judges. 20 “But if I cast out demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.


Jesus had healed the blind men in a house, and now as He is leaving, He is greeted by a crowd who has brought Him a mute and demon-possessed man to heal. I want to address the demon-possessed aspect since there are many who teach that all illness and disease is from the devil. Those who claim this have missed an important message from God, Himself, in Exodus 4:11, “The LORD said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD?”” Notice that God claims credit for making people mute, deaf, or blind. Demons or evil spirits do not cause all suffering. To claim so is to reject God’s statement.The biblical evidence is that there are not specific demons for every type of sickness, illness or disease, and every sickness is not due to a demon.


When I see the crowd’s response and their willingness to believe after seeing this miracle, I compare it to the Pharisees who see and are so blocked by their religious ways that they cannot believe. Instead, they accuse Jesus of working with the devil. It is in Luke that we learn how Jesus responds to their accusation by logically taking it apart. As I thought about it, what Jesus says applies to anything we are committed to. For example, if you are a coach of a great team, would you get rid of your best players and weaken your own team? Of course not! What the Pharisees proposed in that moment clearly does not make sense!


When our religion gets in the way of the truth of God’s Word, let us be humble enough to have eyes to see. We may be doing “all the right things”, but if we are seeing them as credits in our “righteousness” account as the Pharisees thought of their own religious activities, we are bowing to a religion devoid of God We are trying to earn our own righteousness, taking pride in our own efforts, and not realizing that they are nothing to the Lord. Our abiding in the Lord, doing His bidding, His works that He has planned for us, and realizing that He is doing the work through us, gives Him all the glory and gives us none.



Mathayo 9:32-34 BHN - Walipokuwa wakitoka, tazama, walimletea mtu bubu, mwenye pepo.

33 Yule pepo alipotolewa, yule bubu akasema. Makutano wakastaajabu, wakisema, Jambo hili halijapata kuonekana katika Israeli kamwe. 34 Lakini Mafarisayo wakasema, "Anawatoa pepo kwa nguvu ya mkuu wa pepo." Katika Luka 11:15, kuna habari inayofanana na hiyo, na katika 11:17-20, Yesu anaizungumzia kwa hili: “Lakini yeye, akijua mawazo yao, akawaambia, Kila ufalme ukifitinika juu ya nafsi yake, hufanyika ukiwa, na kila ufalme ukifitinika juu ya nafsi zao wenyewe hufanyika ukiwa, na kila ufalme ukifitinika juu ya nafsi yake. nyumba iliyogawanyika dhidi ya nyumba huanguka. 18 “Ikiwa Shetani pia amegawanyika dhidi yake mwenyewe, ufalme wake utasimamaje? Kwa sababu mwasema natoa pepo kwa Beelzebuli. 19 “Na ikiwa ninatoa pepo kwa Beelzebuli, wana wenu huwatoa kwa nani? Kwa hiyo watakuwa waamuzi wenu. 20 “Lakini ikiwa ninatoa pepo kwa kidole cha Mungu, hakika Ufalme wa Mungu umekwisha kuwajilia.


Yesu alikuwa amewaponya vipofu katika nyumba moja, na sasa anapoondoka, anasalimiwa na umati ambao umemletea mtu bubu na mwenye roho waovu ili aponye. Nataka nizungumzie kipengele cha watu waliopagawa na mapepo kwa kuwa kuna wengi wanaofundisha kwamba magonjwa na magonjwa yote yanatoka kwa shetani. Wale wanaodai hili wamekosa ujumbe muhimu kutoka kwa Mungu, Mwenyewe, katika Kutoka 4:11, “BWANA akamwambia, Ni nani aliyekifanya kinywa cha mwanadamu? Au ni nani anayemfanya kuwa bubu au kiziwi, au kuona au kipofu? si mimi, BWANA?” Ona kwamba Mungu anadai sifa kwa kuwafanya watu kuwa bubu, viziwi, au vipofu. Mashetani au roho waovu hawasababishi mateso yote. Kudai hivyo ni kukataa kauli ya Mungu.Ushahidi wa kibiblia ni kwamba hakuna mapepo maalum kwa kila aina ya ugonjwa, ugonjwa au ugonjwa, na kila ugonjwa hautokani na pepo.


Ninapoona mwitikio wa umati na utayari wao wa kuamini baada ya kuona muujiza huu, ninaulinganisha na Mafarisayo ambao wanaona na wamezuiliwa sana na njia zao za kidini kwamba hawawezi kuamini. Badala yake, wanamshutumu Yesu kwa kufanya kazi na shetani. Ni katika Luka tunajifunza jinsi Yesu anavyojibu mashtaka yao kwa kuyatenganisha kimantiki. Nilivyofikiria juu yake, kile Yesu anasema kinatumika kwa chochote tunachojitolea. Kwa mfano, ikiwa wewe ni kocha wa timu kubwa, unaweza kuwaondoa wachezaji wako bora na kudhoofisha timu yako mwenyewe? Bila shaka hapana! Kile ambacho Mafarisayo walipendekeza wakati huo kwa wazi hakina maana!


Dini yetu inapoingia katika njia ya kweli ya Neno la Mungu, na tuwe wanyenyekevu vya kutosha ili tuwe na macho ya kuona. Tunaweza kuwa tunafanya "mambo yote yaliyo sawa", lakini ikiwa tunayaona kama sifa katika akaunti yetu ya "haki" kama Mafarisayo walivyofikiria juu ya shughuli zao za kidini, tunainama kwa dini isiyo na Mungu. haki, tukijivunia juhudi zetu wenyewe, na bila kutambua kwamba wao si kitu kwa Bwana. Kukaa kwetu ndani ya Bwana, kufanya agizo lake, kazi zake alizopanga kwa ajili yetu, na kutambua kwamba anafanya kazi kupitia sisi, humpa Yeye utukufu wote na hatupi chochote.

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