Mark 9:24 “Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe, help me with my unbelief.””
Believing yet doubting – I think this is a struggle of the spirit and the flesh from the moment we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior until the day we return to the dust from which we were created. The Lord is patient with us, understanding the nature in which He created us. While our level of trust in the Lord grows over time, there is always our flesh trying to sway us into unbelief. Trusting often starts with the little things – praying for resolution to an argument with a friend, recovering from an illness – and when He acts on our behalf, we stand in awe in the moment. His question continues to resonate in our hearts each day, “Do you believe, do you trust me?” Walking with God is a never-ending walk of trust and faith, and the more we bring our trials to the Lord, the more we experience His acting on them, the more we begin to watch with anticipation for His action.
As we encounter each new trial, our cry – “Lord I believe, help me with my unbelief” is encountered with our Sovereign Lord acting on our behalf, growing our faith and trust in Him, and His goodness toward us. As we willingly surrender control and yield to His plans, He faithfully shows up and takes over. There is a great freedom in not carrying these burdens. There is an even greater freedom knowing that we are just children, and our biggest worries and fears are being taken care of by our Father who is King over every single thing that we see – all the food, all the money, all diseases and illnesses, all the places to live, all the governments – everything.
Close your eyes for a moment, and imagine yourself facing your Abba Father, wrapping your arms around His waist, and putting your feet on top of His feet. Where He moves, you move. That is the dance He to which He is calling us, a dance of trusting and abiding in Him. A dance of resting in Him. A dance of freedom through Him.