Exodus 20:25 “And if you make Me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stone; for if you use your tool on it, you have profaned it.”
I was continuing my reading in Exodus today and came across this verse. Why would taking a tool to the stone to give it a more pleasing shape and fit to the adjacent stone profane it? It occurred to me that God as Creator designed everything on this earth, how it would be shaped, its look and feel. His design is perfect and intentional, and in its natural state, acknowledges His role as Creator. When we put our hands to it, we are communicating that we have a better idea of how the stone should look. We are asserting, as we did in the garden, our right to make decisions in His realm. There is arrogance and pride in that decision.
As I begin this new year, I want to remember the perfection and holiness of my Creator God. I want to more fully appreciate the level of mercy and grace that He has applied to my stubbornness, my pride, and my arrogance when I think I have a better plan or solution to a problem than waiting on His. I want to draw closer and closer in thankfulness that this God whom the Israelites could not come near without fear of death is the author and finisher of my faith, personally involved in growing and transforming me.
Join me, brothers and sisters in Christ.