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What is the Line? Diagram 4 Script

DAY 1 (Diagram #4 – What is the Line?)


This is the fourth diagram presented. The purpose of this diagram is to:

  • Show how sin and flesh are our biggest laws which influence us

  • Show how there are other laws under which we live without realizing it


(This uses the Living Below the Line Diagram. We want to point this out because it is significant - it tells the audience that they are guilty of creating their own prison.)


(Take your marker and make the mid-line on the rectangle thicker.)

What is the Line.png


Let’s talk about how this line got there in the first place. Remember, there was a new rule or law imposed on you and your team.

(Write the word LAW to the right of the Line drawing small arrow from the word, “LAW” to the line)

There are many forms and ways laws that are imposed upon us.

(Ask the audience, “Who/what creates laws?”)

Above the line start writing in large letters

  • Governments (write laws)

  • Tribe (ancestral laws / protocols)

  • Natural laws (gravity for example)

  • Religion

  • Village/Community (the unspoken / implied dos and don’ts)

  • Family (Father and Mother)

  • Sin & Flesh

(question to the audience) Which one of these is the most powerful day-to-day law that controls and has influence over your life? (Wait for someone to say Sin & Flesh).


Yes! – Sin & Flesh (circle sin & flesh)

So, wait a minute – what are we really saying here? What we see is that sin and flesh (going back to circle diagram) is in each of us. We did not ask for this, we don’t want this and yet we are subject to it. In fact, what is going on here is that you have created your own line. You are guilty of creating your own prison of living below the line. Again, you cannot depart from here, it is a prison. You have tried, only to experience a pulling back on you, like gravity pulling and keeping you below the line. So, here you are. Stuck in prison and no way out.

At the center of this prison is PRIDE (write the word Pride in big letters below the line). Pride is not necessarily being proud of something you have done. Pride is selfishness. Everything is about you, your wants and needs and attitudes. Your focus is always on self. Everything is always about YOU. God says in scripture that he hates the pride of man.


Testimony Opportunity:

(Share a testimony from your life that connects with what you have just taught about pride and the laws you created for yourself, but do not include how it was resolved. You’re just sharing an example of the problem.)


Supporting Scripture (You can write the Book and verse on the chart and or read your choice of verses to the audience)


  • Romans 6:16  Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness? 

  • Galatians 5:17  For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.

  • Romans 8:13  For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.


Small Group Breakout – Questions to consider


  • Did you know that you were guilty of making your own prison – how does this impact you?

  • Have you ever stepped across this line -experiencing peace, joy and freedom. What happened? Did you stay or get pulled back down below the line?

  • Can you recall a time in your life where you wondered why you repeat the same sins and seeking things from this world?

  • What would you do if you had the ability to break free from this prison?

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