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Breaking the Line Diagram 6 

Day number 1 was all about conviction, and today, Day 2 is all about receiving Jesus. This is the the sixth diagram presented, the first one for Day 2. 

We ended yesterday leaving the audience with conviction of their sin and flesh and having them think and consider the sin in their lives. We wanted to leave them there because they needed to ponder their lives and allow the Holy Spirit time to convict them of their guilt in their sin and flesh. We asked them to list those things they want to repent. Unless they are convicted, they will not be motivated to receive Jesus Christ as their savior (because they will not see the need for a savior).


The purpose of this diagram is to show that:  

  • Jesus is the ONLY way out of life living below the line, our only savior

  • Jesus has overcome and fulfilled ALL LAWS and His blood satisfied God’s wrath of our sin 

  • To live and stay living above the line, one must accept Jesus Christ as lord and savior

  • Faith is first recognizing God is real and that Jesus is His Son who lived and died and was resurrected

  • Faith requires action. Here today people will step forward, accept and receive Jesus, and be baptized.

  • The first step is to raise your hand because you want to accept Jesus and you will use this Diagram 6 script. The second step is repentance, and you will use Diagram 5B script for that.


After this script, the following scripts are performed during Day 2 – Receiving Jesus

  • #6 – Statement of Belief (Following Romans 10:9-10)

    • Baptism (option for performing Baptism)

    • Receiving the Holy Spirit (laying on of hands and prayer)

  • #7 Tools: Forgiveness and Surrender

Note: This may take up all of the time for Day 2. 

Script – Breaking the Line 

Using the upper half of a piece of chart paper, draw another wide and long line across a clean sheet of paper like you see below. The bottom half will be used for another diagram.

Breaking the Line.png

Yesterday we left you at the bottom of the valley. I told you that I was going to take you down into the valley from on top of the mountain. We started with the Triangle, and we saw how our relationships are at best limited because of our prejudices, biases, agendas and distractions that we bring into every relationship. We lack trust, compassion, love and loyalty. 
Then we looked at the circle diagram and realized how we operate in the world outside the will of God. We inflate ourselves with the things of this world trying to meet our divine needs of love, security, acceptance, worth/value, and affirmation. We repeat these things but always want more because they never satisfy us. They are unable to ever satisfy us. We experience deflation which can lead to depression and other things all of which can lead us to death. We are continuously seeking to meet our needs through the world but always come up short because the world is insufficient to meet divine needs. We are lost.

Then we looked at the living below the line diagram and the line that we created by the law of our own sin and flesh. We are in prison, trapped with no way of escape. We are prisoners. So today we want to get out of this valley, this pit, this prison and move upward. However, there is something you must decide on. 

Question: Does anyone have the answer as to how to get above the line? (someone might actually say Jesus)

Jesus is the ONLY way out of living below the line. You see God is perfect justice. There must be punishment for your crime – you are guilty of sin. Jesus was and is the only PERFECT sacrifice that saved the entire world (John 3:16). Jesus ‘s death broke through the line and opened the way for you to receive Him, and to experience the true life above the line the God designed for you and for me. God is also the perfect LOVING GOD. God loves you beyond our ability to comprehend. He knows every detail of your life, not to condemn you but because He loves you. So, Jesus solved or reconciled both God’s perfect JUSTICE and His LOVE & GRACE by coming to this earth in human form, by denying all of His power, by being the perfect sacrifice by allowing God to place ALL SIN on him. Jesus died with our sin so that it satisfied God’s just requirement while also providing the extreme Grace of reconciliation between us and God. 

(Draw a line with arrow demonstrating Jesus breaking the Line)

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